
Monday 4 February 2013

Yesterday was one of my favourite shows of the year, Vapnartak at York racecourse. I wanted to get down in plenty of time so I could get one of the free figures that were being given to the first 200 people through the door. Mick and I arrived at about 9:40 but by then the show had already started. We were unlucky as the last figure had been given to the person in front of us. Anyway we went to find our clubs game which was just next to the toilets and could I add, need an air freshener
. We went for a look around.  As this was about 10 o clock the show was well and truly booming. There was a good mix of traders and some good looking games. The flea market on the 2nd floor was much busier than last year getting to the point where I could barely move. I couldn't see anything I wanted so I went back to the clubs game only to find out the guy who was in charge of the game had forgotten the rules. Luckily I had a funny feeling he would so I brought my own. We did a few moves and then went to get some food.  It was probably a little overpriced but I had a sausage roll which was quite nice. I then proceeded to take some pictures of the games. As I am still getting used to my new camera I got Mick to take them. We took pictures of most of the games.
 Border Riever Wargames Club Arnhem 1944
The Bunker The Last Stand Of The Rani
Ilkley Lads

North Hull Wargames Club France 1940



York Wargames Society The Siege Of Newcastle 1644

Lance And Longbow Society Battle Of Grandson 1476

 Mutineer Miniatures Indian Mutiny

York Wargames Society Pegasus Bridge

York Wargames Society Warhammer 40K

Gripping Beast Saga

Peter Pig Square Bashing


League Of Extraordinary Kreigspeilers

Leeds Night Owls Rorkes Drift 1879

Bolt Action

There were a few more games but my camera ran out of battery before I could take pictures of them.

I managed to refrain from spending too much money.  I bought some warhammer 40k Imperial Guard whitch I am going to sell on.  I also bought some dice, tape measures and some Perry Korean Monk archers from Dave Thomas.

Although the website said the show finished at 5 o clock most people were packing up by 3:45

Overall a great show yet again. Can't wait for Vapnartak 2014

Thanks for reading

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