
Monday 22 February 2016


This was our second game of Zombicide after a highly entertaining game the previous week. I have to admit to being a bit sceptical on first seeing the board but once the game got going i was quickly hooked! It quickly became apparent that team work provided the best opportunity of surviving the Zombie menace.

This scenario involved the survivors having to get to 3 cars at the other end of the table. They had to collect weapons and supplies on the way from buildings they passed but each building could be full of zombies! The Zombies reacted to noise or line of sight when it comes to moving so where possible stealth is the name of the game here.

The red tokens mark the points at which Zombies enter the game each turn and their numbers are determined by drawing a card for each entry point. 

The target cars

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Each player has a game board on which are placed their cards and a record of each Zombie killed. The more Zombies killed the more actions you gather. The downside is that the further up the colours you go the more Zombies can be activated when their cards are drawn.                                                             ,

The survivors have a minimum of 3 actions and some start with 4. These cam be moves or an action like breaking a door down or entering a building. Most Zombies can only move once but runners can move 2 spaces. Some cards allow all of them to move again.

The humans elected to make a dash for the building between the cars to find the keys and look for weapons and supplies. The red markers represent the car keys. As a survivor has entered the building here, cards are drawn for every room in the building to see how many zombies are hidden there. This is only done one per building.

The blue marker represents the key to the middle building where the car keys are believed to be. 

Zombies are beginning to mass at the entry points and will remain there until they hear noise or see a human.

Three different Zombie types can be seen here, runner nearest one in building, walkers and the fat ones which are more difficult to kill requiring more hits than the other types.

One of these survivors will need to kill the Zombie. You cant leave a square or room which is also occupied by a zombie.

The door having been opened, keys are collected.

Zombies advance towards the humans.

One Zombie down.

This character has quite an armoury and is using the pistol and the formidable chainsaw, it takes an action to swap weapons. This one has killed 3 zombies up to now.

The survivors appear hemmed in.

The Zombies having been cleared the first car is tried. Its the wrong set of keys!!!!

After the last round of fighting Doug is up to 11 kills so more zombies enter when it is their activation.

The yellow tokens represent noise which attracts the Zombies.

The cars having been activated have moved towards the exit but need to pick up survivors and enough supplies to escape.

This side of the board has been virtually cleared of Zombies, Just need to get the lads on board before more Zombies turn up.

The noise has attracted more Zombies.

One car heads for the exit.

Looks like someone is going to be Zombie fodder!!!

The first car escapes off the board.

The second has one of the fat Zombies in its way.

Fortunately the cars can kill any Zombies in their way so this one escapes by mowing down this lot.

So most of the humans escaped with all of the required supplies.

I would highly recommend this game for a good nights entertainment. We used a teamwork approach for this game but i suspect more fun could be had with a go it alone approach. Certainly worth a go i think.




  1. Well, what can I say! Though I was spit roasted by a couple of aliens during a boardgame once. Peter was highly amused.
